StoNeoClassicalGrowthModel-Error with index

Sorry to bother, when I tried to run StochasticNeoClassicalGrowthModel but got the following error message, it seems that has problem calling the function CreateReturnFnMatrix_Case1_Disc_Par2
Error using CreateReturnFnMatrix_Case1_Disc_Par2
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.
Error in ValueFnIter_Case1 (line 533)
ReturnMatrix=CreateReturnFnMatrix_Case1_Disc_Par2(ReturnFn, n_d, n_a, n_z, d_grid,
a_grid, z_grid, ReturnFnParamsVec);

And I checked the details inside this function, found error message shows up when running this:
Fmatrix=arrayfun(ReturnFn, aprime1vals, a1vals, z1vals, ParamCell{:});

Thanks for any advice.

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I just downloaded

Ran and worked without error. My guess is that you have someting lying around in your Matlab ‘workspace’. Try clear all and then run again, hope that helps.

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